Friday, August 2, 2024

Alas, Arjava…

 I kept thinking at work— Is sanding Arjava’s chest down to flat the thing I need to do to make me happier with her? (The character is SUPER flat-chested so the DT body wasn’t exactly perfect) 

And if it is… Why not get sanding? Dye is easily redoable. And I didn’t like a lot of her dye job anyhow. So, like… I wanted to redo that’s probably gonna be a long time till she’s back together but maybe I’ll be in a better place with the rest of my collection by then too.

So this is a little bittersweet but… exciting too. Arjava will finally look like Arjava when I’m done with her. And that’s great! I think she’ll be amazing to have around when she looks like herself. I have so many ideas for her!!

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