Monday, August 19, 2024

More ennui

 Sorry I haven’t posted in days hahahah. Trying hard to get through the last few days of summer job before school starts again… 

It’s been rough because I’ve been out of school for 10 years, and I’m planning on trying to get into a program with pretty limited seats, so I’ll really have to lock in. I don’t even know if I even know how to study. I’ve been a burnt out gifted kid since, oh, age 10 or so…

In kinda exciting news, I grabbed a used thinkpad for schoolwork and I’m planning on getting it all set up with a hot pink skin and fun stickers and… Linux???! We’ll see how I like Mint, it seems pretty nice and easy! But I for sure don’t want another windows machine in my life and I’m sick of the iPhone/iPad life under the weight of Apple’s whole planned obsolescence schtick… so maybe this is the way forward?

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