Sunday, August 4, 2024

Dang it

 Wish I hadn’t seen the beautiful unpainted MSD Hisui up on mercari rn. She’s not quite one that made the “you must only ever have 30 bjd” list but maybe she should’ve considering how impossible the three on my wishlist are to find… Sigh. 

I talk a mean game about not needing any more dolls but then I’m so weak to every weird old Volks doll that pops up. Well, I’ll set aside some money every week, and if she’s still there I may get her. Maybe. Agh…

Well, in Arjava news, she’s just waiting to have her dye stripped now. I’m going to stop by the drugstore on the way home and grab some acetone and get the old color scrubbed off, probably excluding her faceplate and any other parts that are dyed perfectly…

Dye day will probably be Tuesday morning when Waifu is out of the house, so she doesn’t have to smell all that (the smell really bothers her)

I also started brainstorming an outfit for Arjava and I really can’t wait. I got a rabbit pelt for it! And we may need more fur along the way too if I decide she needs big fluffy gyaru legwarmers (spoiler: she will)

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